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Please contact us here for inquiries about business solutions we are working on, requests for proposals, quotations, etc.

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Please contact us here for guidance and suggestions regarding useful services and solutions for our company to expand our business.
Examples) Education service, recruitment service, sales support service, public relations service, M&A, etc.
Regarding proposals for consultants and engineers, please start with proposals from partner companies and sole proprietors.

Partner Company / Self Employed

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We are always looking for partner companies to cooperate with us in order to expand our business in the following areas.
Please contact us regarding collaboration in similar business, SES, dispatch, etc. Consultant engineer proposal.

  • Business Consulting
  • Open Solution
  • SAP / ERP Implementation Consulting
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We are looking for self-employed people who can cooperate with our business.
We will propose projects that match the self-employed skills you contacted us.

Other Inquiries

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For inquiries other than the above, please contact us.