Interested in agile development methods?
This Agile Development Support Service is a service that supports development teams : who are
- Interested in adopting agile methodology but do not know how to proceed.
- Interested in adopting DevOps practices for software development to contribute to business.
The knowledge gained from various agile developments is organized in the form of practices, which would bring various benefits to the development teams.
We support the implementation of Scrum, which is the de facto standard development framework.
1. User story
2. Inception deck
3. 2Pizza Team Rules
4. Burndown chart
5. Automated regression testing
6. More automated than documentation
7. Continuous integration
8. Deal with technical debt
9. Blue-green deployment
10. Data driven products

Service contents
Agile development method was introduced to respond to changes in the business environment. There are many excellent tools and practices that are fundamental to agile development methods.
The service that supports the phased implementation of these tools and practices into the development team is called as the Agile Development Support Service.
Agile method implementation support
There are many variations of Agile method, such as SCRUM, XP, Kanban, and FDD.
Although SCRUM is currently the most popular, there are many excellent practices for XP and Kanban.
We iIntroduce methods that match the culture of the development team of by considering the efficiency and effectiveness.
Agile tool introduction support
One of the key ideas of Agile method is automation. For automation, tools need to be installed and used.
We will continue to introduce tools such as automated testing, issue management, bug tracking, and continuous automation, DevOps and ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) for higher automation.